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Practice Programs:

1. Write a PHP Script to define an array. Find the element from the array that matches the given value using the appropriate search function.


$arr = array(1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,);

$result =  array_search(6, $arr);

if($result) {

    print("The element is found !!");

} else {

    print("The element is not found !!");




2. Write a PHP script to count the total number of vowels (a,e, i,o,u) from the string. Show the occurrences of each vowel from the string.


 $str = "Hello World";

 $a_cnt = 0;

 $e_cnt = 0;

 $i_cnt = 0;

 $o_cnt = 0;

 $u_cnt = 0;

 $ch = "0";


 for($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {

    $ch = strtolower($str[$i]);

    switch($ch) {

        case 'a' :



        case 'e' :



        case 'i' :



        case 'u' :



        case 'o' :






 echo("total number of vowels (a,e, i,o,u) <br>");

 echo("Total a count is ". $a_cnt. "<br>");

 echo("Total e count is ". $e_cnt. "<br>");

 echo("Total i count is ". $i_cnt. "<br>");

 echo("Total u count is ". $u_cnt. "<br>");

 echo("Total o count is ". $o_cnt. "<br>");



3. Write PHP program to perform the following operations on Indexed Array:

a) Check the array element is positive or negative

b) Calculate the average of array elements

c) Calculate the sum of array elements


 $arr = [-11,2,3,4,55,6,7,80,9,-3];

 $pos = 0;

 $neg = 0;

 foreach($arr as $value) {

    if($value > 0) {


    } else {




 echo "1. Total Positive Or Negative Number";

 echo "<br>Total positive number is = ".$pos;

 echo "<br>Total negative number is = ".$neg;

 $sum = array_sum($arr);

 $count = count($arr);

 $avg = floor( $sum / $count);

 echo "<BR>2. Average of array elements is = ". $avg;

 echo "<BR>3. Sum of array elements is = ". $sum;




1. Write PHP program to perform the following operations on Indexed Array:

            a) Union of two arrays

            b) Traverse the array elements in random order


$arr = array(12, 44, 55, 77, 22, 59);

    $arr2 = array(122, 44, 556, 77, 225, 59);


    $new_arr = array_diff($arr, $arr2);


    echo "Union of Two Array <br>";

    foreach($new_arr as $i) {

        echo $i.", ";



    echo "<br> Random Order <br>";


     foreach($new_arr as $i) {

        echo $i.", ";




2. Write a PHP program to perform the following operations on an associative array:

a) Display the elements of an array along with the keys.

b) Display the size of an array

c) Delete an element from an array from the given index.

d) Reverse the order of each element’s key-value pair

e) Traverse the elements in an array in random order.


$arr = array(

        "a" => "apple",

        "b" => "banana",

        "c" => "cat",

        "d" => "dog"



    echo "1. Array element with the key is : <br>";

     foreach($arr as $key => $value) {

        echo $key." => ".$value."<br>";



     echo "2. The size of Array is :<br>";

     echo count($arr)."<br>";


     echo "3. delete element in array <br>";

     // enter the key of array

     $num = "a";



     echo "<br> 4. Reverse order each element key-value pair <br>";

     $rev_arr = array();


     foreach($arr as $key => $value) {

        $rev_arr[$value] = $key;



     echo "<pre>";


     echo "</pre>";


     echo "<br>5. Random order : <br>";


     foreach ($arr as  $value) {

        echo "$value <br>";




3. Write a PHP Script for the following:

a) Declare and Display a multidimensional Array.

b) Search and display a specific element from a Multidimensional array.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">







    $student = array(





    $i = 0;


    $len = count($student);

    for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++) {

        for ($j=0; $j < $len; $j++) {

            echo $student[$i][$j];


        echo "<br>";




    $search_value = $_POST["t1"];


    for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++) {

        for ($j=0; $j < $len; $j++) {

            if($search_value == $student[$i][$j]) {

                echo "The element is found : $search_value <br>";



        echo "<br>";





<form action="#" method="POST">

        <input type="text" name="t1" id="" placeholder="Enter search value ">

        <input type="submit" value="Check">







1. Write a PHP script to perform the following operations on string :

i) Compare string 2 with string3.

ii) Convert all the strings to Upper case

iii) Convert all the strings to Lowercase


    $str1 = "Harry";

    $str2 = "Ram";


    $num = strcmp($str1, $str2);


    if($num == 0) {

        echo $str1 . $str2 . "Are equal. <br>";

    } elseif($num < 0) {

        echo "The first string is less than string two. <br>";

    } else {

        echo "The Second string is less than string one <br>";



   $c_str =  strtoupper($str1);

   echo $c_str."<br>";


   echo strtolower($str2);



2. Write a PHP script to perform the following operations on string :

i) Convert each word of a string to Lowercase and Uppercase.

ii) Find the first and last occurrence of string2 in string1.


    $s1 = "Hello i am very happy";

    $s2 = "Ram";


    echo "1.Convert each word of a string to Lowercase and Uppercase. <br>";

    $str1 = strtolower($s1);

    $str2 = strtoupper($s1);


    echo "lower case string : ".$str1."<br>";

    echo "upper case string : ".$str2."<br>";


    echo "<br>2.Find the first and last occurrence of string2 in string1 <br>";


    $string1 = "college";

    $string2 = "hello";


    $first = substr($string2, 0,1);

    $last = substr($string2, -1);


    $string1[0] = $first;

    $string1[strlen($string1) -1] = $last;


    echo $string1;



3. Write a menu-driven program in PHP to perform the following operations on associative


i) Sort the array by values (changing the keys) in ascending, descending order.

ii) Also, sort the array by values without changing the keys.

iii) Find the intersection of two arrays.

iv) Find the union of two arrays.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


        <meta charset="UTF-8" />

        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

        <title>Menu driven program in php</title>



        <div class="container">

            <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">

                <h1>Menu Bar</h1>


                    1.Sort the array by values (changing the keys) in ascending,

                    descending order.



                    2.Also, sort the array by values without changing the keys.


                <p>3.the intersection of two arrays.</p>

                <p>4.Find the union of two arrays.</p>


                <select name="choice">

                    <option value="">Enter you choice</option>

                    <option value="1">1</option>

                    <option value="2">2</option>

                    <option value="3">3</option>

                    <option value="4">4</option>



                <input type="submit" value="Show Result" />






     $arr = array(

            "name" =>"Ram",

            "age" => "19",

            "s_class" => "SY"



     $arr2 = array(

            "name" =>"Raj",

            "age" => "21",

            "s_class" => "SY"




        if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {

            $ch = $_POST['choice'];

            echo "<h2> Output : </h2>";


            switch ($ch) {

                case 1:


                    echo "<h3>Ascending Order :</h3> <br>";

                    echo "<pre>";

                    echo print_r($arr);

                    echo "</pre>";


                    echo "<h3>descending Order :</h3> <br>";


                    echo "<pre>";

                    echo print_r($arr);

                    echo "</pre>";



                case 2 :

                    echo "2.Also, sort the array by values without changing the keys.";


                    echo "<pre>";

                    echo print_r($arr);

                    echo "</pre>";



                case 3:

                    echo "3.The intersection of two arrays";

                    $result = array_intersect_assoc($arr, $arr2);

                    echo "<pre>";

                    echo print_r($result);

                    echo "</pre>";



                case 4:

                    echo "4.Find the union of two arrays.";

                    echo "<br> Original Arrays is : <br>";

                    echo "<pre>";


                    echo "<br>";


                    echo "</pre>";

                    echo "<br> Union of two array.";

                    $merge = array_merge($arr, $arr2);

                    echo "<pre>";


                    echo "</pre>";



                    echo "<br> Some think is Wrong";










1. Write a PHP script to perform the following operations on string :

i) Replace the string2 by string3 in string1.

ii) Reverse and display the string.


     echo "1. Replace the string2 by string3 in string1.<br>";

     $string1 = "I love php";

     $string2 = "php";

     $string3 = "python";


     $result = str_replace($string2, $string3, $string1);


     echo $result;


     echo "<br>2.Replace the string2 by string3 in string1.<br>";


     $rev_str = strrev($string1);


     echo $rev_str;

